
Dry needling, or medical acupuncture as it is otherwise known, uses acupuncture needles in a scientific application on damaged, strained, tense or deactivated muscles. It can manage pain, tension or dysfunction of muscles to reduce pain and improve movement. The insertion of the needle is shown to stimulate the body’s natural healing process and can be used on muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments. The results are pain relief and a restoration healthy tissue.

Meridian Massage

Meridian Massage is a Bodywork clinic in Southampton offering treatments both in clinic and mobile. 

Claire Masser Mobile Massage Therapies

I am a mobile massage therapist specialising in Sports Massage Therapy, Remedial massage, Light Ther

mapMarkerGrey Leyside, Christchurch, UK...

Total Health and Therapies

Total Health and Therapies is an experienced therapist covering the North east and Northumberland.

mapMarkerGrey Newcastle upon Tyne, UK...

Optimum Sports Massage

Optimum Sports Massage is a mobile sports massage therapist covering Kent and the south east, London